Carmageddon: Reincarnation

After Fallout, Syndicate and XCOM, almost the only non -unore religious franchise of the nineties remains CarmageDdon (1997), made under the obvious influence of the film “Deadly Race 2000”, the glasses of which were accrued for the downed and crushed pedestrians.

We still remember very well the cover of “karma” (the shrams of the physiognomy of the maniac driver of Max Damage), the Red Eagle car with a characteristic spiked crest along the entire body and the second after Mortal Kombat, a scandal around cruelty in games, which turned people on the streets of the game into filled with green mucus zombies.

The paths of the original developer – the British Studio Stainess Games – and the publisher of SCI dispersed after the release of CarmageDdon 2: Carpocalypse Now (1998). The third series, CarmageDdon 3: TDR 2000, was developed God Odds Casino without the participation of Stainless and demonstrated how dull a pedestrian hunt could be if the creators did not watch (or did not understand) the original Bartel Film with its specific black humor.

For nine years, SCI tried to launch the fourth series into production-until in 2009 it has not become part of the Square Enix, a solid publisher, who was little interested in pedestrians smeared on asphalt and any scandals. In June 2011, Stainless managed to regain the rights to the franchise and took up the new “karma” on its own. The founder of the studio and the executive director of Carmageddon: Reincarnation Neil Barnden, who had previously refused to interview many publications, agreed to talk with us and discuss … the films of the eighties, the games of the nineties and even the game features of the new “Karmageeddon”.

Our interlocutor

Neil Barnen

Job title : CARMAGEDDON: Reincarnation.

Previous place of work : Stainless Games, worked on other parts of CarmageDdon.

About cruelty : “We must understand that our game is not a children's. It is for people with a stable psyche who can evaluate the gloomy sense of humor. ".

American psychopaths

To understand the logic and aesthetics of the first CarmageedDon, it is enough to reconsider the famous scene from the “deadly race”, in which nurses carefully roll out an armchair with elderly Americans.

Nowadays, you won’t see such a movie in the cinema – in the remake of the “deadly race” (2008), prisoners were safely chased one after another along the prison track, and the new style of a reckless cinema (like “adrenaline” by Mark Neveldyna and Brian Taylor) is completely deprived of any kind of no there was a social satire or signs of intelligence.

In general, even before the analysis of mechanics, from the threshold we fenced the developers with the question of whether CarmageDdon: Reincarnation will be like an original game (and “deadly race”) or is it another emasculated and toothless remake? In general, when you talk with the developers, and even taciturn, it is dangerous to ask such questions – they can refuse a conversation. But in the case of CarmageDdon authors, we decided that such a beginning is quite acceptable. And guessed.

[[Bullet]] The legs of this character, as you see, do not. Therefore, a miniature tower crane is delivered to his cabin.

“At a ram at a sufficient speed, seven meters of intestines are wound on the axis of your car. You will pull the dying pedestrian, scattering the lungs, liver, heart, spine and other spare parts along the road until an empty shell is jumping behind your car!" – our sarcasm Nile retorted immediately.

Who needs realistic tears, facial expressions and kilometers of photorealistic jungle, when modern technologies can be spent on a pedestrian model with a full set of internal organs and bodily fluids? It is precisely such philosophy that developers adhere to.

“I would not want to compare our game with film renovations, because I personally know not a single case when the remake would have turned out better than the original,” Barnen shrugs his shoulders. -Our game is still the same black surrealist comedy as the original “karma”, only performed in the most part quickly, stylishly and spectacular. With the seas of blood and a bunch of insides ".

[[Bullet]] Learn? "Eagle" scatters SUVs using giant springs – this is an Opponent repulsifica power from the second part.

One of the signs of the modern style of the game is the new model of the Red Eagle, exactly copying the Batmore from the films of Christopher Nolan. If you remember, the "eagle" from the addon Splat Pack For the original CarmageDdon, it was sketched from Batmobile from Tim Berton’s films, so here the developers are again true to traditions.

“All our new cars and routes are adapted for acrobatic tricks in the spirit of what Batman did at Nolan. Otherwise, how players make money Cunning Stunt?"However, another well -known car – the" bear "of the Russian driver Ivan Bastard – still looks like a green" Zaporozhets "with a giant secateur at the front bumper.

Death on the springs

In the first “Karmageddon” the encirclement were whole and spacious (city, mine, plant), the player was hunted by the police on armored vehicles, and it was possible to win the race only by crushing all the pedestrians on the map, destroying all the cars of the rivals or reaching the first to the finish line. In the second part, completely unnecessary missions appeared (“ram off six satellite plates”), the cops disappeared, and thematic cards were divided into sets of short levels. Personally, we are closer to the game model Carmageddon (pure meat grinder in an average city environment) than CarmageDdon 2 (a more sports form of competitions with tricks and arenas). And you?

[[Bullet]] This lady's name is Val Hella. Apparently, it is to Valhalla that her dead enemies go. Or maybe she herself wants to go there.

“Yes, we also like the first part,” Barnen willingly agree. – with the exception of Paueraps and a more realistic model of car destruction from Carmageeddon 2. Of course, on modern technologies, cars will rivet, bark and fall apart even more realistic. We will leave all the Paueraps activated by the player from the second part – flamethrowers, mines, mortar – plus add new, no less effective. But in general, everything will be in the style of the first series ".

On the first arts, Reincarnation "Eagle" scatters SUVs using giant springs – we can easily find out the Opponent Repulsific Powerp from the second part. “There will still be all kinds of mines and mortars. But the main weapon is the machine itself, without any excesses like built -in machine guns. ".

One of the biggest mistakes of CarmageDdon 3: TDR 2000 was an attempt by developers to give an end to the end-to-end plot. In Reincarnation, everything will again return to laconic textures in the style of “Today are all the people at the stadium – do not be afraid, blood from artificial grass is easily washed off!".

“We are not particularly interested in stainless here in Stainless. I personally miss all the videos in all games and I don't understand why they are needed ".

[Bullet]] The developers sent us the early art (nowhere to be published) the car of the Russian character – Ivan Bube. Evaluate the depth of the stereotype: Salad "Zaporozhets" with the wheels of the Bigfath. Called, of course, "bear".

In the era of Sandbox-IGR and GTA-like cities simulators, we cannot but worry the question of whether Max, Ivan and other drivers (with names like ten tramps or Katya stanza) will remain in cars-or still personally hunt pedestrians with “ Ultrasound ”in the hands? “I promise that drivers will fly through the windshield and spread through the hoods of other people's cars. But we do not plan to make a freely running character out of Max – except in the next series … In CarmageDdon: Reincarnation, all destruction will have to be done without leaving the car ”.

As for the multi-platformity, here the developers do not yet give any accurate comments, although we would not be surprised to see their game even on the iPad. “We will support as many platforms as we can physically. The main thing is PC (most likely through Steam), because we want to make the game completely modified and immediately release the content editor for users. But our Beelzebub engine is a cross-platform, so the versions for iOS and Android are by no means excluded ".

Original CarmageDdon is far from the best game (and not even the best race) of the nineties, but this is certainly the game of the 1990s (we really hope that you understand what we want to say with these words), with the original design, real complexity and complete neglect To political correctness.

All this does not fit into the framework of the current gaming industry and the requirements made by publishers of high -budget games for modern developers. That's why we are so pleased that Stainess is being developed by CarmageDon: Reincarnation on its own – without financial support for a large company that could require the game one way or another, sharpen it for the last hit, casuals or the requirements of the focal group. Yes, this means that at some point the developers may not have enough money to bring the game to modern standards. But of all remakes, the new "Karmageddon" is the most original and independent. So – potentially! – And the most successful.

We will wait?

The developers of the original CarmageDdon offer everyone who wants to wrap the guts on wheels – on new technologies, but with an old sense of humor.

Percent of readiness: 30%

Three killer machines

“Red Eagle” from CarmageDdon is not the most terrible that can meet you on a deserted road!


The car of the racer of Frankenstein (David Carredane) from the original “deadly race 2000” (1975) with the teeth on the bumper, headlights in the style of “the eyes of the dragon” and the color of the snake scales famously laid out the road through ordinary pedestrians and racing bureaucrats – and in the final the President of the US!

The budget of the ingenious picture was only $ 300,000, so all the cars here are the cheap "Volkswagen" of 1968. Frankensteinsky kar is the deserted buggy "Schale-Vett", built by the mechanic-designer Dick Dean on a shortened chassis from the Volkswagen-Zhuk car.


In the horror of John Carpenter, according to the romance of Stephen King of the same name, the 1958 Plimut Furia car leaves the Derutsky automobile conveyor for the song Bad to the Bone and begins to terrorize the small American town no worse than the monster changing the face from “It”. In life, these cars were supplied only in a non-merciful banner yellow shade, so that the filmmakers had to repaint the cars in fatal, red color. The car is rare (about 5,000 copies were produced in total), so the tricks for it were performed by the models of Belvedere-Sport and Savoy (visually almost indistinguishable). In total, during the filming, twenty -one Plimut was defeated.


In the television movie “Duel” (1971), the director of Stephen Spielberg, a tiny red “Plimut-Valiant” by the protagonist is persecuted by a huge truck (whose driver we will never see) at a speed of 140 km per hour.

Most of the budget of $ 450,000 went to rent, modification and debugging of the Peterbilt 281 truck of 1960 of the release – painted in the brown road dinosaur with a seven -thousandth tanker.

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